A few simple changes in your market prep strategy could mean $$$ in sales....let me show you how


Learn exactly how I 20x'ed my return on investment at my last pop-up market and continued making sales from the same customers for months following.


Here's exactly what we will cover:


Calculate exactly how much inventory you will need for your next market (and how much you can expect to sell!) PLUS gain access to my done for you Inventory Calculator & Tracker


Learn the best way to take payments from your customers and uncover the BIGGEST mistake I see vendors make at markets (and how you can avoid making it too.)


Learn 4 creative ways to draw customers to your booth, make your products stand out among the crowd,  and continue selling to your customer long after the market is over.

But that's not all!

How about some time-saving templates and bonuses?

  • INVENTORY CALCULATOR: Done for you inventory tracker and calculator. ($47 value)
  • CANVA SWIPE FILES: Marketing templates that will save you hours of time. ($27 value)
  • CHECKLIST: What to bring to your next pop-up market! ($7 value)

You may be wondering?

  • I can't make it live. Will there be a replay?
    Yes, the replay will be subtitled and uploaded to our course platform within 24 hours of the live training, if not sooner. You'll also get the bonus templates at that time too.
  • I've done a lot of markets. Will I learn anything new?

    I promise that you will learn fresh, fun and creative ideas for your next market that will leave you EXCITED to try these strategies out and see your sales skyrocket.
  • Will you cover pricing your products in this course?
    I will not cover pricing in this course, but I will cover some promotional strategies.

    I recommend checking out my Pricing and Profit Workbook for help on pricing strategy. (PS. It is about to get a major glow up, so snag it before the price goes up!)
  • I am more interested in wholesaling my products. Would this course offer me strategies that would be helpful?
    If you are not interested in markets and face to face selling, I would skip this course.

    I have an entire course dedicated specifically to wholesaling strategies that will be much more tailored to b2b selling. You can learn more at andeehart.com/wholesale
  • I have another question.
    Just send an email to support@andeehart.com and I’ll be happy to help!

Pop-Up Market Prep$47

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


"Andee gave me lots of useful tips to get my brand out there and make the event run smoothly. So thankful for her wealth of wisdom."

Mina D
To Phōs Candles

  • Total payment
  • 1xPop-Up Market Prep$47

All prices in USD
